© jshots \ The Dome of the Rock
Dominating the skyline of Jerusalem, a landmark without doubt, is the beautiful shrine of the Dome of the Rock. Built on a platform over the rock of Mt. Moriah 1,300 years ago by the Muslim Umayyad Caliph Abdul Malek Ibn Marwa. It was completed in 691 AD, 6 years after building commenced. The Dome of the Rock is a shrine in Al Aqsa Mosque commemorating the Prophet Muhammad's miraculous journey to the Seven Heavens. Eight stairways with arcades lead to the raised platform of the Dome of the Rock. There is a sun dial atop the center top archway, accurate to within five minutes of the actual time.
Photographer: © jshots Date: 21.02.2005 Photo number: 781 Views: 51k
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